Asbestos Surveys NI

Asbestos, a once widely used construction material, has left a lasting legacy of health risks and safety concerns, particularly in older buildings. Northern Ireland, with its rich history and numerous older structures, is not immune to the dangers posed by …

Asbestos in Northern Ireland Buildings: A Hidden Threat Read More »

I think I've found asbestos

DIY home improvement projects can be a rewarding way to enhance your living space while saving money. However, these projects can also pose hidden dangers, especially when dealing with older homes. One of the most significant risks is asbestos exposure. …

The Dangers of Asbestos Exposure During DIY Jobs Around the Home Read More »

Should You Buy A House Containing Asbestos?

Introduction Purchasing a property is one of the most significant investments you’ll make in your lifetime. Whether it’s a dream home or a commercial space for your business, ensuring the property is safe and free from hidden dangers is crucial. …

The Importance of Conducting an Asbestos Survey Before Buying a Property Read More »

Cancer Caused by Deadly Asbestos Exposure

Introduction Asbestos, once hailed as a miracle material for its fire-resistant properties, has since become synonymous with serious health risks. Despite its ban in the UK in 1999, asbestos still lingers in numerous older buildings, posing a hidden threat. An …

How an Asbestos Survey Can Save Your Life Read More »

Asbestos Survey Northern Ireland

Asbestos testing is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals, particularly those who may be using buildings containing asbestos in Northern Ireland. The importance of carrying out asbestos testing cannot be overstated, as exposure to asbestos …

What Is Asbestos Testing And Why Is It Important? Read More »