Should I Remove or Encapsulate Asbestos?
Due to its strength and fire resistant properties asbestos was once known as a wonder material. It was used extensively in construction and included windows boards, insulation and roof panels to name but a few.
In the UK asbestos was banned in 1999 but it may still have been used after this date in many circumstances. Any building or refurbishments carried out before the year 2000 may have made use of asbestos. Caution should be exercised.
Deadly Microscopic Fibres
Asbestos is deadly microscopic fibres that are so small they cannot be seen by the naked eye. A trained eye can look at a material and get an indication of the possible presence of asbestos, but the lab is always best to get a conclusive result.
Asbestos containing materials (A.C.M’s) are usually considered for removal if they are deteriorating, damaged, have become brittle or are leaking. In cases where its presence poses a risk to building users, professional removal is best. Our report can indicate recommendations so you know what is required to keep everyone safe. Sometimes encapsulation can be a safe alternative to removal but warnings should be present and the condition of material monitored to ensure it poses no risk.
Our professional team of surveyors are happy to discuss your requirements and we can tailor a survey to suit your needs.
Northern Ireland Asbestos Surveyor
We are your local Northern Ireland asbestos surveyor. If you are unsure or suspect any material in your home or commercial premises, our experts are here for you. We can book a thorough asbestos survey, take samples if required and produce a professional report written in plain English. Still not sure about anything? Please contact us and we would be happy to assist further.